Book a free estimate Book a free estimate! Fill out our form and receive a free estimate!Contact us if you have any questions! (404) 531-4149 Your Name (required) Property Address (required) Suite or APT # (required) City/State/Zip (required) Home Phone# Work Phone# Cell Phone# Your Email (required) I would like too: (required) —Please choose an option—Schedule an appointmentInquire about AvailabilityRequest Info before schedulingInquire about specific pricing Requested service date: First available dateDon't schedule me yetNeed a specific date *(specify below) Please confirm via: E-mailPhoneBoth Please Tell Us about Your Home: Number of Bedrooms: —Please choose an option—01020304050607080910 Number of Bathrooms: —Please choose an option—01020304050607080910 Number of Levels: —Please choose an option—01020304 Do you have any Pets? YesNo Type of Pets: Please check the type of service requested: Basic cleaning onlyBasic cleaning with optional servicesDeep CleaningMove-in/Move-out Cleaning Please specify desired optional services: Oven Cleaning - $40.00Refrigerator Cleaning - $50.00Hand Polish Furniture - $ 18.00 each pieceVacuum Furniture - 15.00 each pieceFireplace Cleaning - $35.00Window Cleaning - $8.50 ea. (inside only)None Payment Information: Type of Payment: CashCheckCredit CardOther We Guarantee our cleaning 100%. If you are not satisfied with our services, call us within 24 hours, otherwise, we will understand that all services have met your expectation and we will not consider your complain. All new services are to be paid in full prior to the date of service. We request that all customers give 24 hour notice for all cancellations. Cancellations without this advance notice will be subject to a $25.00 surcharge. If we arrive at the home and you cancel once we have made the trip out there, we reserve the right to charge a $50.00 trip fee. After the first cleaning, customer will provide all supplies. In case VIA Maid Services® has to provide the supplies, a charge of $ 15.00 extra will be add to your cleaning fee. I have read FAQ, Services and understand the terms and conditions of your pricing and agree to pay accordingly for services rendered. Additional Requests (Subject) Your Message WE CAN DO IT Get in touch We offer you a reasonable price with high quality cleaning and we are Licensed, Insured and Bonded. Contact us (404) 531-4149 Address: 1995 N Park Pl SE - STE 310L Atlanta GA, 30339